COVID-19 Office Update

Dr. Abenoja and her team have been working hard to ensure you can continue to receive high-quality orthodontic care in a safe and friendly environment in Vestavia Hills.

We are busy scheduling patients as we return to patient care. Please note that any previously scheduled appointment is subject to change as we do our best to rearrange with safety as our priority.

New Office Procedures

Before You Arrive

  • Please use the restroom, brush your teeth at home, and arrive at your appointment right on time.

When You Arrive

  • When you arrive for your appointment please take a picture of the QR code on our building.
  • The QR code will open up our wellness survey.
  • You may complete the survey from your cell phone while in your car.
  • Once you have completed the survey, we will receive a notification.
  • Then, when we are ready to see you we will come out to your car to take your temperature with a no-touch, infrared thermometer.
  • You will then be escorted into the office.

When You Come In

  • If the patient is a minor, one person may accompany them.
  • But, if your child is totally comfortable hanging out with us, we would prefer that they come in alone.
  • We have implemented many new safeguards into our workflow to keep everyone safe.
  • If you have any concerns at all please reach out to me.


Christine Abenoja, DMD, MS

Virtual Exam Options

Current Patients

Read special patient instructions and how to touch base with Dr. Abenoja virtually.

Virtual Visit

New Patients

Start your new smile from home with a free virtual smile assessment.

Start a Virtual Exam